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2022 in Review
The 2022 LHPC Spring Show Jumping League finals were held in Sulmar Farm on 3rd April. The sunwas shining and a super day was had by all as can be seen from the prize giving photos below. Well done to all who took part and gave their best on the day.

The annual Easter Egg Hunt and rally took place at Piperstown Equestrian Centre on Monday 18th April. Needless to say, vast amounts of chocolate were consumed on the day and everybody went home very happy!


2022 Senior camp was held once again in Kernan Equestrian Centre in Crossmaglen from 3rd to 6th July, with riders and ponies staying over for the duration of the camp. As ever, a terrific time was had by all, involving lots of late night chats, show jumping and cross country clinics, and anther trip to Dundalk racecourse where everybody was able to let their hair down and indulge their need for speed. On the last day, prizegiving took place before everybody went home for some well earned rest (ponies included).

Catering for all levels of ability (the only prerequisite being a determination to make new friends and have lots of fun), Junior camp took place once again at Sulmar Farm in 2022, from ?? to ?. As ever, it was extremely well attended and, as can be seen from the photographs below, packed in a much fun and games as can physically be fitted in over a short few days.

The annual Christmas show took place on Thursday 29th December in Piperstown Equestrian Centre and was well attended as ever with a great day was had by all (along with selection boxes) A number of trophies were also given out as part of the annual awards.

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